
Price Estimator

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Price transparency and quality are important when choosing where you receive radiology. For over 20 years, AMI has provided the best value for the best imaging in town.

Request Estimate
Still the best

Choose with confidence

Faster Results
Same day results on many exams Open 7 days a week
Less Cost
Independent imaging exams are typically much less expensive than the same exam at a hospital
Subspecialized Radiologists
A combined 200 years of experience

With Advanced Medical Imaging, your money goes further

Advanced Medical Imaging
CTI Non Contrast
MRI Brain Non Contrast
Chest X-Ray, Two Views
Ultrasound Abdomen
Dexa Bone Scan

The best value for the best imaging
*as of July 2021

CT Non Contrast
MRI Brain Non Contrast
Chest X-Ray, Two Views
Ultrasound Abdomen
Dexa Bone Scan
Your experience matters

We put you first

Our benefits:
Significantly lower costs
Weekend hours available
Accessible, central location
Top quality radiologists
Same-day results *restrictions apply
Appointments and walk-ins

Common questions

I don't see my service listed. How do I figure out the price?
You can call our price estimator hotline at 402.484.4468! For the most accurate estimates, please leave patient’s date of birth, patient’s name, telephone number (with area code), the name of insurance coverage, member/policy ID (found on your insurance card) and procedure.
What is AMI's payment process?
AMI has a six-step payment process that begins after insurance is finalized.
1. Receive an emailed statement from
2. Receive a text message alert from Click2pay
3. A mailed statement arrives at your physical address
4. An auto phone call is generated
5. Another mailed statement arrives at your physical address
6. Credit Management assumes communication for any outstanding balances
Is there a way for me to find out a price without calling in?
Yes! You can fill out our price estimator form and our team will reach out to you with your options. Click here to access the form.
What are the pays I can pay my bill?
We accept cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express and CareCredit 

EPAY online  

Scanning QR code on your statement.
Check your statement for available payment apps 

Calling 402.205.8040 

Price Request Form